The 9th Annual Printers Fair is suitable for all ages. General admission is $10 for adults and $5 for kids under 12 years of age. Students, educators, enthusiasts, collectors, typophiles, bibliophiles, graphic designers, artists, and professionals will enjoy the varied demonstrations and array of vendors. Children are welcome but need to be accompanied by an adult at all times. Printing Industries Association, Inc. of Southern California (PIASC) is a proud sponsor of this event
- SHOPPING – Don’t miss your chance to buy original handmade and printed gifts suitable for 6 year olds! We have over 70 Vendors and Artists exhibiting and selling their wares.
- LETTERPRESS SWAP MEET – Don’t miss your chance to buy antique letterpress equipment and everything you need for your own print shop.
- GENERAL GALLERY TOURS and TYPE CASTING – Experience 500 years of printing history as our knowledgeable docents guide you through our collection. Demonstrations of the Museum’s collection of antique presses will be ongoing throughout the day.
- HANDS-ON-PRINTING – Be enthralled and fascinated by experiencing printing both traditional and modern. Try your hand at letterpress on a variety of presses including an antique 1850’s parlor press!
- THE 50’s PRINTING SHOP – Travel back in time to experience a 50’s era working printing shop. Have your name cast in metal on our working linotype, which Thomas Edison called “the eighth wonder of the World!”
- PAPER MAKING – Master Paper Maker Colin Brown will be demonstrating his techniques and helping visitors make their very own piece of handmade paper.
- SHOW & TELL WALL – Once again we are going to have a giant Show & Tell Wall at the LA Printers Fair! Post your prints, posters, design samples, business cards, typography and more on our fence for everyone to see and comment on.